Wednesday, November 4, 2009

1/2 Way There!

I am 20 weeks this week! This means that I am halfway through the pregnancy. I am not wishing it away though. I know I miss this when it is over. I have been told that by every new mommy. They love their babies, but they miss their bellies (well, their pregnant bellies...I know I will continue to have a belly for a little while after, but it's not the same :-).

Not much to add. There's some stress at school which has caused me to question everything. Ev-er-y-thing. It's a lot of pressure to be a soon-to-mommy, bread-winner, med school wife. I just want to do the right thing for everyone.

I am trying to rely on faith and the encouraging words of others as I prepare to make some tough decisions in the months ahead. This is only the beginning, I know, of the tough decisions...and I know that through it all I must keep my priorities in line and listen to those who have my best interest at heart.

Ambiguously vague enough for ya?

Anyway-- take care, whoever you are, wherever you are.

P.S. Happy Halloween from Juno and Paulie Bleeker.

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