Thursday, February 11, 2010

34 Week Appointment!

I feel like I have slacked on the pregnancy updates, but I know I talk about my pregnancy ALL the time, so I doubt I have left out anything important.

I went to the doctor yesterday. I am measuring right where I need to be, 34 weeks. The baby's heartbeat was higher yesterday, in the 150's. My blood pressure was good. My weight was scary (but that's just my personal opinion!). Dr. Ertel told me that next visit, at 36 weeks, I will have one more quick ultrasound to check for the position of the baby! I haven't had one since 19 weeks. I can't imagine how much the baby has changed in the past 17 weeks. We need to be careful not to see anything "revealing" about the sex of the baby.

We need to be praying for a head down baby over the next 2 weeks. If the baby is breech on the ultrasound, they will schedule a C-section. I really do feel the baby has been head down for a while. We will see though!

I am nearing the end of my pregnancy journey. To see only 40 days on the countdown is crazy! I remember being just under 100 days. I am getting things checked off our to-do list left and right, and now I am just waiting for Baby E! I have two more baby showers coming up next weekend, and then I will be settling in, waiting for Max or Noelle's arrival!

33 Weeks
34 Weeks

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