Friday, April 17, 2009

Ode to Craigslist

Luke and I have had a lot of luck on Craigslist over the past couple of years. We first experienced its glory when we were needing a washer and dryer when we bought our house. We could have spent thousands at Lowe's, but instead we spent $150 for a washer and dryer set that have done wonderfully for us over the past year!

We also bought a $40 queen mattress and box springs off Craigslist for our guest room. Our guests lovingly refer to this mattress as "bedrock" because it is quite hard...but hey, it was $40 and it gets used like 5 times a year.

Luke purchased a mountain bike that retails for hundreds for only $15 (and the seller included a bike rack for a car for free!)

Lastly, we coughed up the dough and bought a treadmill last night. It is straight from a private gym and only 3 years old. We are thrilled to have it and to say goodbye to our monthly gym membership fee. For $550, I would say it was a steal!

Less I forget the mirror from our bathroom that I sold all by myself on Craigslist for a whopping $15. Love it!

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