Thursday, June 17, 2010

Noelle's Baptism

On Saturday evening, our sweet baby girl was welcomed into the Catholic faith through her baptism at St. Simon. In front of several family members and friends, she was baptized and blessed by Father Bill. Noelle's God parents, Abel & Elizabeth, shared some very sweet sentiments about their hopes and dreams for her, and I just couldn't help thinking about how lucky she is to be loved so much. Luke and I shared our hopes and dreams as well, and I was just overcome with awe that this sweet little girl is our DAUGHTER who will watch grow up for the rest of her life! I pray that I get to see her do all the things that I have done and more-- learn to walk, ride a bike, and drive...go to prom, fall in love, get married...go on trips, meet lots of friends, have children of her own...find a career, be successful, have FUN...all of this and more is ahead of her.

It feels good to know that she is baptized and will begin her faith formation into the Catholic church in a few years. Faith is very important to Luke and me, and we look forward to sharing it with her for the rest of her life.

Thank you to all of our family and friends who made the trip and spent their Saturday night with us. You are all so special to us :-)

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