Noelle is 4 months old now. 1/3 of a year. 33%. .33 repeating...
Can't stand it!
But I must say, this age is FUN! She can hold her head steady, so I don't have to worry about her swinging it around too much. Except for when she manages to smack you in the chin with her forehead. That hurts!
She is getting stronger, standing up as we hold her. She lays on her belly and gets her knees under her like she is going to crawl. I clap for her but say in my head, "Stop growing so fast, baby girl!"
Her eyes are still blue-gray. Her hair is still dark brown. She is losing some hair in the back but it seems to be growing on the top of her head.
She smiles all the time, but she still hasn't really laughed out loud. She giggles quietly sometimes, but I guess Luke and I will need to try harder at being funny. Not our strong suits.
Noelle weighed in at 14 lbs, 11 oz (75%) and 24.5" tall (60%) at her 4 month appointment. She is doing great. She sleeps about 7-8 hours straight, and then she will usually eat and go back to sleep for a couple more hours.
She is truly a miracle, and I can't get enough of her. After I put her to bed, I typically go back in 3-4 times just to stare at her. She woke up the other night and caught me doing it. Truthfully, I think she was creeped out. I think I would be, too!
Well, I hear her sucking on her hands...so I think nap time is over! Enjoy some of my favorite pictures as of late...
Such a gorgeous child!!!