Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Random Update

I am so behind I don't know where to start...

Since I last posted, I have celebrated my 26th birthday and my 3rd wedding anniversary...I have seen the movie Inception- twice...I have eaten at some wonderful restaurants including PF Changs, Creation Cafe, Carnegie Library, BJ's Brewhouse, and Johnny Carino's. I have worked in my classroom a couple of times, visited with friends, spent time with Luke and Noelle, and most recently introduced my daughter to her great-grandparents on my side for the first time. It's been a pretty good two weeks.

It's that time of the summer where I get reflective and start thinking about how I have spent my time over the past couple of months. I also start thinking about the upcoming school year and what is going to be different and how I am going to change the world. Needless to say I am faced with a great deal of anxiety as I approach my first full school year as a working mom. I am sick with nerves as I am about to leave Noelle at a day care from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day. I keep telling myself that I was a day care kid and I turned out OK. It just brings tears to my eyes to think about her not getting 100% one on one attention all day. I know this is a good thing and she will be cared for, but I just love her so much it hurts...

I have also been busy doing some photo shoots! In the past month alone I have taken 4 babies' photos! It is so much fun, and I am getting better and learning more each time. I am really trying to build a business with photography...it is truly a passion of mine!

Additionally, I just finished up uploading 1300 pictures to Snapfish from the years of 2007-2010. I haven't printed any pictures since my senior year of college, and I think it is really important to not only have digital pictures, but also the hard copies, too. There's nothing better than looking through an old photo album. I have been doing that a lot lately, and I have realized that I have changed so much over the years, and not just physically.

I have changed a lot over the past year...maybe even past few months. It's important to be open to change. Situations and circumstances will arise, but to be adaptable and flexible and willing to change...this will make it all easier and allow for you to be happy among all the madness. You only get this one life...

So, I am still here...house project is done. Well, I shall say the exterior house project is done. The interior will never be done as long as there are piles of laundry and stained carpet that is truly getting on my last nerve. Gah...always something!

Two weeks from tomorrow and I meet my new kiddos...bittersweet!

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