Let's try to forget about how it is March 9th and I haven't written something yet this month. I have been really busy and overwhelmed, and every time I sit down to blog, I end up shutting my laptop and taking a break. I have so much I want to write, but I am finding it hard to grab all of the words.
However, I owe it to my daughter to write about how one year ago to this day, I had my last OB appointment before she was born. At this appointment, I learned that I was dilated 7 centimeters and my doctor was worried that I would go into labor at any moment. I was told to stay home from school the next day and that we would induce at 7 a.m. on the 11th!
I will never, ever forget the way I felt when I left the office that day. I was totally in shock and couldn't believe that we would be meeting our child about two weeks earlier than expected. We were so excited and yet so scared. It was really happening! The baby we dreamed about for so long would finally be here, and even though we were prepared as could be, we still felt totally lost!
I can't believe that one year later, I have a sleeping baby girl in the next room with her booty up in the air and her doll under her arm. This has been such an incredible year for us as a family. The meaning that Noelle brings to each day is the greatest gift to us.
We are definitely preparing for her first birthday party. We have a lot to do, but it will get done, and we will have a great day with our sweet baby girl.
Shop with Me at Nordstrom!
My Sunday try ons are back on Instagram each week and I’m working to share
them here each Monday as well! Last week I popped into a Nordstrom to see
13 hours ago
Best. Day. Ever.