Monday, September 1, 2008

Almost 8 weeks!

With each passing day, it is becoming more and more real that we are going to have a little baby on April 13 (or around that time)! Luke's family is making plans for Kiawah in June, and we instantly thought of our 2 month old child, traveling 13 hours to South Carolina. I don't know if that is going to happen for us. I hope we are able to maintain some normalcy after the big event happens. 

Nikki's wedding was this weekend. I managed to stay on my feet all day, lifting a 6 pound lens up and down for 12 hours. I am totally exhausted, but it was worth it. I got some great pictures of the day. I hope Nikki is pleased. 

Luke and I figured out that April 13 is 32 school days short of the end of the school year. This means I will go approximately 10 days without pay due to my lack of days. :-( Oh well, what can you do? We are going to have to start making sacrifices now to prepare for the future. The life of an adult...

Anyway, on Wednesday, I will hit the 8 week mark! I am ready to be out of the first trimester, which will be somewhere near the beginning of October. I feel I have gotten off the hook with the morning sickness, which is awesome, so I really can't complain too much about anything thus far. I'm just ready for more changes, and I am ready to see this new love of my life!

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