Well, another Rubbermaid tub full of Noelle's clothes that no longer fit has been filled up and stowed away in the attic. I took her newborn bottles out of the cabinet and put away her newborn toys like her tummy time mat and her bouncy seat. The Boppy is gone away, too.
I find myself choked up and sad. My little girl is growing so quickly, and there's nothing I can do to stop it. I remember buying all of the stuff or getting it at showers and just visualizing what my baby would look like with it. Now she has outgrown all of the things that used to soothe her, entertain her, and meet her needs.
We used to turn the bouncy seat on and let it vibrate as the little one slept in complete comfort. Now it is in a trash bag and the batteries are completely dead. I know (hope, pray) that another little baby will enjoy that bouncy seat someday, but it will always be Noelle's...and now she has moved on to bigger and better things.
She went to bed so early tonight. I hardly had any time with her. I have peeked in on her a number of times tonight, in between sorting through her clothes and pulling out the things that she can no longer wear. I stopped at each item, remembering the time when she wore it...and realizing that she will never wear it again. Of course, she has a new bag of Carter's clothes in larger sizes, but that's beside the point...
Noelle is more joy than I ever thought possible. She is the bright spot in a world full of darkness. Her smile just melts my heart, and her tears rip me into pieces. I can't believe we go for her 6 month check up tomorrow. I'm so proud yet so sad all at the same time.
Each new day brings a new development...a new milestone...a new memory, but my living room now seems much emptier without that bouncy seat.
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13 hours ago
There is no doubt...she is a "miracle" It continues to be amazing how such a small "being" can bring such a large amount of happiness into our lives. She is the motivation that makes a lot of us get up and go. We do it for her and do it to be there for her. You are learning as her parents that that is why we do what we do - unconditionally, everyday.