Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Flu Season Strikes Room 118!

Just wanted to report that yesterday, I had 9 students absent out of my 19 kids, and today I had 8 students absent. Crazy! This flu business is serious, apparently! I totally sanitized my classroom yesterday (the best I could), and I am trying my hardest not to catch what they are passing around. It is just so hard to stay healthy around germy kids!

My fall break is on Friday after my parent-teacher conferences on Thursday. I am pumped! I need a day off like nobody's business! I am also excited because I have a doctor's appointment on Friday. My ultrasound won't be until Tuesday, though. I can't WAIT!

I did this pregnancy exercise DVD tonight. It was REALLY hard. I thought it would be easy because it was for pregnant women with big bellies, but it made me sweat. We'll see how often I break that bad boy out and do it. At least for tonight, I feel accomplished.

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