Friday, August 21, 2009

Colts Football Has Arrived!

I got a great surprise from one of my student's mom's on Wednesday. She asked if I wanted to go to the Colts preseason game on Thursday. Since it was a school night, they were unable to use their season tickets. I said, "SURE!"

Thursday night, after our wonderful ultrasound, we celebrated by heading downtown to the game. The seats were awesome! They were on the end zone, where we saw the Colts score twice, and they happened to be on the end where the stadium opens up, so we got a great breeze. The roof was open, too, so it was breezy and refreshing! It was such a perfect night for football.

The Colts played well, and they even won, which never happens for us in the preseason! We even got to see a sweet Peyton to Reggie Wayne bomb that ended in a touchdown. I just love them, and I am expecting great things this season!

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