But, I put Noelle in her bouncy chair and managed to simultaneously complete day 14 of the Shred AND win Mother of the Year because I did in fact hear (yes, hear) Noelle have a blowout, but did I stop the DVD to change her? No. I was on the last circuit and thought that surely 2 more minutes wouldn't kill her. I know. Report me to CPS immediately.
On that note (the note of poop), Noelle's bowels have been moving quite nicely this week. In fact, since Saturday, I think she has had 3 massive poopy blowouts! Yay for her! I think this is one of those times when they say, "You know you're a mom when....you celebrate your kid's disgusting poops!"
Two cheers for busting a move and busting a diaper!
I know I'm not the only one who reads this blog, but I looove reading your perspective on life as a new mom. I'm very proud of you and Noelle...blowouts and all. Love, Mom