How far along? 26 weeks
Total weight gain: Little over 20 lbs.
Sleep: I am sleeping OK. I still hate sleeping on my side, and I switch from left to right a lot. I fall asleep and wake up to the feeling of the baby thumping around and moving, which is AWESOME.
Best moment this week: I have seen the baby move through my clothes a few times this week, which makes me laugh!
Movement: Feeling it definitely every day, a few times a day. Some movements are really strong. It's crazy!
Gender: My gut says girl. Luke has had two dreams this week, girls both times!
Labor Signs: Definitely not.
Belly Button in or out? Definitely getting pushed to the surface. Not out yet, though.
Cravings: It's hard. I have had HORRIBLE heart burn the past couple days, so I am not craving anything. OK I take that back, I want cereal right now.
What I miss: The choice to lose weight if I want. I have wanted to "start a diet" several times this week but realized that it will have to wait. I also really miss being able to eat a meal and not have heart burn for hours after.
What I am looking forward to: Reaching that 30 week mark...mentally I will feel like if the baby comes any time after that point, it will be little and need some help, but it will have a great chance of survival. But I don't want to rush it. This pregnancy is really going quickly!
Ashley- Don't rush it. Our princess Jentry was born healthy (for the most part) at 35 weeks and I would have given ANYTHING to carry her the extra 5 to make it to 40 instead of having a preemie that had to spend a week in the nicu. However you will soon learn that you have no control over when that baby is coming! They have a mind of their own :)