Friday, April 30, 2010

30 Day Shred - Day 11 & 12

Perhaps you thought I quit on the Shred? Nope. Not this girl (points to self). I did manage to squeeze it in yesterday, which happened to be the first day of Level 2. Holy was hard! I had forgotten how hard Level 2 was. I have done Level 3 in my past life (back when I had a semi-nice body), and I don't think Level 3 is as hard as Level 2. Anyway, I did it. Praise the Lord!

I also managed to do the Shred today...but it took three different times of turning the DVD on, then hitting pause because Noelle needed me. You see, she is on day 7 of no pooping (read my prior post about her poop habits). I think we will have a...breakthrough...tonight, but she is quite uncomfortable. She has needed her momma to hold her and love her today even more so than usual. However, she has been sleeping for a bit and allowed me to get my workout in. Thanks, Noelle!

If this 30 Day Shred doesn't work for me after all the effort I have been giving, I am going to personally hunt Jillian Michaels down and shred her.

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